Welcome to North Star Qigong and Tai Chi (NSQTC)!
2024 NSQTC is currently open for classes/private lessons/energy work.
Whether to learn more about how to relax, breathe more deeply, keep or improve overall health, or be more mindful in daily life, Qigong and Tai Chi offer those possible benefits and more.
NEW Qigong class on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 – 6-8 pm!
Find Your Inner Strength with Qigong
at The Leo’s Building in Laurium, MI
Tuesday evening, 6:00-8:00
For more information and to register for either classes or private lessons/energy work, text 906/370-3059, or
email northstarqtc@gmail.com.
Qigong means “Energy Work”.
This 2-hour intro / review Qigong class includes Qigong warm up exercises, self massage techniques, breath work, and short meditations.
Please pre-register by text or email (payment may be made at the first workshop/class by cash or check to “NSQTC”).
If you’re new to tai chi and/or qigong, find out more with a text/email (906/370-3059 or northstarqtc@gmail.com ).
Thanks for your interest and support, and hope to see you for exploration together of Qigong and Tai Chi.
Email – northstarqtc@gmail.com
or text 906 / 370-3059
for more information.
Call 370-3059 and leave a message, or text, for more info, and leave your name and phone number, please.
Benefits of qigong and tai chi include …
improved strength, focus, balance, mobility and coordination
increased vitality and breathing capacity
reduced anxiety, stress responses and depression
During the sessions, the workshop/classes will move through intentional body-mind-breath alignment warm ups, breathing, and Qigong and Tai Chi Easy(tm) movements. Beginners are welcome.
*To get to Leo’s (65 3rd St.) in Laurium, if coming north from Hancock, drive past the 6th St. Extension light and take the next right (Depot St.). Leo’s is on the right-hand side, just past the street (Osceola St) to Aspirus hospital. Parking along both sides of the street.
Owner/teacher Darlene Basto has a 200-hour certification through the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi
with Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD, Santa Barbara, CA.